mudbox 2009

I haven’t done anything serious in 3D in years, preferring 2D art for the most part. I dabbled in zbrush 3, but was ultimately turned off by the UI which was apparently designed by a sadist.

However, I was intrigued by Mudbox 2009, the videos made it looked promising, and I preferred its relatively straightforward WYSIWYG UI.

3D software has advanced so much in the last few years, it’s amazing to see the progress. Even on my 5 year old rig this software ran totally smoothly. This sketch was done in about 2 hours…something that would have taken me days back when I was doing 3D full-time.



macbook life sketches

These were done on my macbook….  Trouble is, I haven’t painted with a tablet for a while, and the whole set up is very odd way of working for me – very foreign from my usual working arrangment.  So basically I’ve been sketching on this thing trying to get the hang of using it as an art tool so I don’t embarrass myself too badly at this event.  I decided to bring it to life drawing just to give it a shot and see what I could do.  I found out pretty quickly that doing any kind of linework is nigh impossible, but for painting it’s not too bad at all, if a little slow.   After some rough starts I seemed to get into the flow of things a  bit…I’ll have to give it another try next week.  Anyways, these are a couple 45 min sketches that I thought turned out half-decent.
